10 July to 31 July

Drawing from Art History

An exploration of modern life through painting, drawing and printmaking

Chris Wells

“I am a painter from Aberdeen but now based in Bourne, my practise is an eclectic mishmash of styles and media exploring various subjects but usually with a strong human element.  For the past 15 years, I have consistently produced large scale, stream of consciousness ink drawings, that allow me to explore my thoughts and ideas at a particular time or on a particular subject - from art history to popular culture.  An obsessive nature combined with a short attention span leads me down various different paths besides. I like to create figurative acrylic paintings in an expressionistic style using bold marks and colours. I create smaller watercolour cityscapes in a more gentle way. I am interested in portraiture – painted and drawn and I have explored various printmaking processes. I make life drawings when I can and I have also been working on a series of artist homage which are not quite paintings or drawings but I’m pretty sure they are still art.”